
Mission Call - Andrew is Going on a Mission

Andrew Torrey Greenlaw - 19 years old My son, Andrew, has always wanted to serve a mission. Over the last 5 years, we didn't know if this was possible. In high school he was bullied and became severely depressed. There were times when he didn't want to live. He turned to video games and other things to numb the pain. To say this experience has been hard, is an understatement. As Andrew's parent, I tried everything I could to help him. It wasn't until Andrew hit rock bottom that things began to change. He really wanted to serve a mission. He literally humbled himself before the Lord, turned to Him and applied the atonement. This is when everything started to change. The light returned to his countenance and Andrew began to heal. It took meeting with church leaders, reading his scriptures daily, and giving up his addictions. Andrew is one of the hardest workers I know. He has been an example to his entire family. After jumping through many hoops, Andrew was abl
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